Wiccas was another one of Asia’s beautiful kittens. We were so lucky to not only get cats loaded with personality, super smart, chatty talkers but they were all stunning too! Well, they are cats, so hard for them to not be beautiful, I suppose. We named her Wick because of the little orange flame on her nose, but since clearly we like to pluralize everyone’s name and another syllable was more fun, we called her Wiccas. We used to say she was a little junior witch and attended “witchcraft scouts” instead of girl scouts! Wicca witchcraft scout! We are pretty insane with the morphing of nicknames. In fact, some of you know that I also end a lot of their names with “pants,” well, Wiccas was the originator of the pants! Lefty took it and ran with it, but she started the trend. If you look closely, you will see that she has “tortie-pants” as most of her tortoiseshell markings are on the back half of her body. “Little Miss Tortie-pants” was born and tragically spread to others! Haha!

Wiccas was an opinionated little lately and was never afraid to speak up. The whole family was super vocal, and I loved every minute of it. She was the first cat I ever taught to “hi-five”. When training, it is ideal to start with behaviors that the cats naturally offer, and she was grabby during meds time, so it quickly morphed into an asked behavior of hi-five! This cat could not get enough Hill’s a/d and she is the star of some of my medicating videos. She was such a cooperative girl and her help has allowed me to teach others! I am grateful for what each of them have offered, they have been great teachers.

Always with her family-keep related cats together for a harmonious household!

As you will see in the photos, even though she adored us and was super affectionate, she was a cat’s cat. She was often curled up with one of her blood relatives but could just as easily be seen cuddling up with the one of our many other cats as well. It would be so sad for a cat like her to not have a house full of friends! Adopt family members, it’s the best, for you, for them, for everyone!
One funny little trait she had was her fantastic mane. Every spring, it was as if she would molt, not just shed, and she lost it all. We called her "little pea head" because she still had her fluffy pants but lost her plume of a mane and looked so different! It was so much more dramatic than any other long- haired cats we have had.
It was awesome how super outgoing she was, and the kitchen counter is definitely empty without her up there screaming at us as we walk by and greeting our guests. That girl made herself known, that is for sure!

Wiccas lived to be about 17 years old, she was the second of the five of them to leave us. Her passing was one of the more traumatic loses I have experienced so I will spare you the details. Hold them close, you just never quite know when it will be their time. We love you Schnicklefritz Wiccas! Yup, another nickname, or just Schnickles, that worked too!