Yet again, Ingrid has helped us immensely with cat integration! We have added a kitty named Smokey to our family who was feral and we fed for 2 years and was already at our home in our yard when we moved in. We had him TNR’d and never dreamed we could actually domesticate him! That’s where Ingrid comes in…
I casually mentioned to Ingrid that it would be amazing if we could ever get Smokey into our house. She suggested using a wand outside to play with him and as I did that he let me interact more and more with him. I was able to put out some flea/tick/worm meds disguised in treat form and some time after starting that he let me touch him! I was able to do this more and more and decided to really pursue getting him into our home and Ingrid and I set up a formal consultation and within days I was able to get him! She helped me know how to do this and set up his room and with every step of domesticating him AND integrating him with our other two female cats (who she helped us with integration previously) and now all kitties are living with each other and doing great! She has helped with medications to ease the transition as well as very specific methods of cat integration. She also helped with litter box issues and all medical questions and what to know/do for his first vet visit since he was neutered through the TNR process 2 years ago! She has come to the rescue, yet again, for our family and we could not have done it without her!! I could not recommend Ingrid high enough and she has created a happy family for us TWICE!!! You are truly the BEST Ingrid!
Helen Hyslop
Atlanta, Ga.