Our siblings Rags and Flees were having litter box and GI issues that we could not figure out how to resolve. We had the expensive Litter-Robot which they used until they just got too big. They are Norwegian Forest Cats around 15 fluffy pounds each.
Flees had GI issues. Ingrid and our vet figured out a better food. As well, per Ingrid’s advice we went from free feeding dry to a primarily wet food. The dry is always down in smaller quantities, but ONLY in forging toys. Both boys love foraging.
Flees would poop on the bed in the same room as the Litter-Robot. Even after getting a regular style litter box (we have two) he continued. Rags would occasionally pee on the bed. We created a land mine field of pots pans and anything else to make the bed unusable for them.
We bought a video camera to see what was going on and learned from that as well. Rags did not like to pee and poop in the same box. We moved the boxes to different rooms.
We heard about Ingrid and set up the conference. We listened to her sage advice and followed her instructions. BIG open litter boxes! Kitty cafeteria for the boys to choose which litter they wanted.
We learned a lot of what the cats were trying to tell us in their not-so-subtle ways.
Voila, the work we did with Ingrid and the changes we made a huge difference in the quality of life for us, but best of all our boys.
Rags (left) here enjoying the kitty litter cafeteria!
Susan Keen
Atlanta, Ga.