When I decided to adopt a cat in 2021, my aim was for a senior cat; I wanted to make sure I understood their personality before jumping in felt a senior would be calmer. I found Sprite and fell in love! She was 10, which was a bit older than I was hoping for, but her foster family gave rave reviews. I fell in love immediately. Unfortunately, not long after her adoption, it became apparent that Sprite was struggling to use the litterbox; she was pooping all over the place! The Fulton County Humane Society, where I adopted her from, did their best to help out for a few months, but ultimately, they were in over their heads. I saw a regular vet and emergency vet as well (when she seemed to be getting sick in addition to going outside the box) and still no real answers. I spent a ton of money on bills, cleaning supplies and tests, but to no avail.
One morning, I awoke to 6am to find Sprite doing the unimaginable; she was pooping on my chest while I slept! I had reached my wits end! I googled “cat behaviorist Atlanta” and found Ingrid. I sent in a desperate email, and to my pleasant surprise, Ingrid called me within a week. We had about an hour phone conversation, where instead of luring me into unnecessary services, she advised I come see Dr. Globerman at Paws, Whiskers and Claws, because Sprite’s issue was clearly medical and not behavioral.
I took Sprite in within a week, and after spending almost an hour with us, Ingrid, Dr. Globerman, Sprite and I had a solid plan! Ingrid showed me tricks to get Sprite to take her medicine (which I never in a million years dreamed I could do) and a few litterbox suggestions. Within weeks Sprite was back to using the litterbox full time! She was cured!
Unfortunately, the issue started back up about a year later. This time, Sprite was diagnosed with intestinal cancer. Dr. Globerman suggested Ingrid’s behavioral services as well as addressing the medical issue. Thankfully, Sprite’s cancer is responding to treatment and is almost gone! Simultaneously, Ingrid has been so helpful in guiding Sprite back to the litterbox. We had over an hour long phone consultation, followed by texts and emails regarding Sprite’s progress. While I am so pleased that Sprite is using the litter box fulltime (!), I did have to compromise and have a few extra litter boxes in the house. However, we are working our way down to one (Ingrid says two…).
I can’t thank Ingrid enough for her expertise, patience, and true love for our feline family members! It is very evident that Ingrid loves what she does and wants the best for our babies. I have never met anyone that not only knows so much about cats, but truly loves them!
Leni and Sprite
Atlanta, Ga.