When I first met Mr. Goose and his mom I was very sad for them. He was suffering from what I refer to as a multi-factorial set of issues. He was your typical frustrated and poorly socialize bottle raised kitten. No fault of his mom who saved his life but when cats grow up alone, without the benefit of other cats they are often socially off, with people an other pets. Mr Goose was also likely born with some chemical imbalances and as he aged they became more apparent. I was his last hope at a happy life. Here is what his mom had to say.
Mr. Goose has truly come so far. He transformed from a frustrated kitty with human targeted aggression, to a loving and happy purr ball. Mr. Goose had severe aggression and would lash out by lunging and biting. His attacks were so severe that he seriously injured his owner. Mr. Goose was bored in his life, not getting the fulfilment he needed and had a chemical imbalance in his brain causing him to have “episodes” of extreme aggression. Ingrid and Paws Whiskers and Claws changed our life. From incorporating food puzzles and crunchy food into his life, to getting the right level of medication, they transformed Mr. Goose’s life. I am forever grateful for Ingrid and Dr. Globerman’s expertise and ability to speak cat. I was at a dead end with Mr. Goose and needed their guidance to turn things around. Now Mr. Goose enjoys a full and fun life and no longer targets his aggression at the people he loves.
Sally Nicholas
Atlanta, Ga.