On December 21, 2013, we adopted two adorable kittens that had been rescued and temporarily housed by a cat-savvy friend in her home. Both kittens were litter trained in our friend’s hardwood floor home.
Within a few days of our adoption, one of our kittens began urinating outside the litter box, preferring a tight carpeted space behind our entertainment console on top of our power strip. She was also eyeing up a crevice behind a bench in our bedroom as another possible urination target.
We called Ingrid, who over the phone identified the litter as the likely culprit. We switched to the brand Ingrid recommended, cleaned up the carpet behind the TV console and have had no further accidents. Since my wife and I both have bad backs, avoiding a struggle cleaning urine stains on our hands and knees is a BIG plus.
We asked Ingrid to visit our home to make other suggestions, and she provided plenty. We now have additional stimulating toys but also aversion devices to discourage our kittens from door dashing. All in all, she spent her time generously, and we now know much better how to think like a cat.
I am convinced that Ingrid is actually a cat reincarnated in human form. If I’m right, why wouldn’t you use her services?
Tom and Mary Ann Frisbie
Decatur, Ga.