Problem description:
I've been having problems with my two cats which have been together for more than 5 years now. One day, out of the sudden, my cat Lucy attacked Maximus. We thought it was going to be an isolated episode, but now it has become a recurrent issue, every time they come close together. Just to be in sight triggers Lucy to become aggressive towards Maximus.
After going to your web site, I think I have an idea about what the problem is, but I need your expertise to figure out what's going on and help my two cats to live friendly again.
What worked:
Thank you very much for coming to our house and really taking time to work with us. The feeding schedule you recommended has worked very well, we now realize how important and helpful this is, having a schedule and the right food (texture, flavors, treats, etc.) can be used as tools to help our cats to interact.
The recommendation of being patient and disciplined to work every day with the cats for them to do the exercises you recommended is paying off. All the techniques and ideas on how to make them happy when they see each other are being followed step by step.
Follow up:
I wanted to give you an update about Lucy and Maximus. We have continued to do the reintroduction exercises. We have been swapping Max and Lucy from room to room and finally I tried to overcome my own fear and put Max and Lucy to eat together for the first time, Lucy was wearing a cat harness and we did exercises for a few more days and one day we decided to let the harness go and since then Lucy has been around Maximus without problems, they have licked themselves, they have smelled their behinds, they have kissed each other and they have even started to chase each other with small slapping on their faces. In general seems like they also needed a fresh start and they got it. I hope this good behavior from both of them continue for years to come. I wanted to let you know this positive outcome, we were very lucky we found you, and Lucy and Maximus are now, thanks to you, loving companions again. From the bottom of our hearts thanks for what you do for cat lovers!
Best Regards,
Gabriela and Francisco Lopez