This is an excellent tool to help introduce cats to one another! Pattern games are a simple set of exercises that provide a predictable and secure structure for animals in order to help them normalize changes in their environment (potential “triggers” for reactive cats). Patterns are safe, predictable, repetitive, voluntary and normalizing! Pattern games were created by Leslie McDevitt for use with reactive dogs, there is nothing stopping us for using these tools with our cats!
fundamentally feline
Target Training as a Solution to Counter Surfing Behavior
This video will illustrate how to use targeting as a means of controlling unwanted behaviors such as getting on the kitchen counters during meal prep. This same technique could be used to resolve a myriad of other nuisance behaviors.
See my other video How to Teach Your Cat to Target a Mat and a Stool to learn the basics!
Train Your Cat to Willingly Enter and Exit Their Cat Carrier Using A Target Stick
In this clip you will view all three of our new additions learning to follow a target stick to enter and exit the carrier. This is an incredibly positive approach to carrier training. In addition, you see me implement play as well as emphasize the importance of the carrier being “benign” by existing in the environment at all times. See my other How-To video on this topic to get you started
Fetching Felines with Ember the Athlete!
Fetching cats are cool, but this behavior is often short lived, subsiding with maturity. If you have a fetching cat, enjoy it! Our six foot scratch pole is highlighted in this clip, we have had two in our home for over 20 years and they are a fantastic outlet for climbing, scratching, honing the hind nails and play! At present, we are the only company that makes one to our knowledge, purchase yours here!
Train Your Cat to Target Using Their Nose
In this video viewers will learn how to teach their cat to touch a target with their nose. This can later be a useful gesturing tool to get the cat to follow the target to where you would like them to go such as in to their cat carrier! This is a basic foundation behavior for beginners just getting started training their cats. And, as always, we end with a little medication training.
Train Your Cat to Ride a Skateboard!
In this short video I explain the basics on how to teach your cat to be a little thrasher! Be sure you have the basics down on how to target train before you get started. The “Training” playlist on this You Tube channel or the Training and/or How To videos page on my website should get you started.