1. Complete Medicating Questionnaire
Complete the medicating questionnaire in its entirety. Contact your veterinarian for records asking specifically for doctors notes and lab results for the past year, more if you feel that would be helpful. Submit a video of your current medicating strategy for Ingrid to trouble shoot and critique.
2. Schedule Appointment
You will be contacted to set up your medicating consultation via phone, email or text, so be sure to provide valid contact information.
3. Consultation
Ingrid will help trouble shoot the medications you are giving, offer alternatives that might be easier for both you and your cat and demonstrate how to properly medicate via Zoom, Facetime, Skype, etc. whichever platform is easiest for the client.
4. Homework
Ingrid will provide you with a variety of follow up materials that will assist with your medicating challenges. She will continue to guide and advise as needed. She doesn't take no for an answer! There is always a way!
5. Follow Up
Ingrid will continue to provide support and advice via phone or email for the period if time included with your consultation.
What exactly is a "medicating consultation"?
If you are like most cat parents, you were handed a bottle of pills with a label reading, “Give one tablet every 12 hours,” told to have a great day and that, “We hope Fluffy feels better soon!” You likely left your vet’s office not knowing how in the world you were going to get this medicine into Fluffy for THE REST OF HIS LIFE!!!! Too many cat parents are given medications with no explanation about how to successfully administer them. So there they sit on the kitchen counter, meanwhile your cat is not reaping any benefit and you feel like you wasted money buying the medication in the first place. Considerations about what version of a medication will work best for a specific individual, their temperament, the pet parents ability, schedule etc. must be taken into account.
Well, have no fear! Ingrid has more than 20 years experience medicating cats in both the home and vet clinic setting. She lectures on this topic teaching vets and technicians the same techniques she'll teach you. Whether it is oral medication you are struggling to administer, ointments, eye drops, or you need to learn how to take your cat’s blood sugar (BG) reading or perhaps you would like to know how to more effectively give subcutaneous fluids, and learn to do so in less stressful manner, Ingrid is here to help!
This service is for both seasoned cat parents and those new to the fantastic world of felines! In fact, one of the very best aspects of this service is that Ingrid will teach you to train your cats to willingly accept their medications before they even need any! Preventative medicating consults are a good idea. Regardless of your situation and skill level Ingrid will offer a myriad of solutions.
Ingrid has a long list of alternative medicating options, food rewards and techniques to help each individual situation as they each present their own unique challenges and hurdles. She does not take "no" for an answer as their is almost always a way to make it happen! She will educate you about alternative versions of certain medications that you may not have even known existed, this will empower you to ask your vet for what you need.
Ingrid will work with you and your veterinarian as a team and work towards finding solutions.

What's the Cost & What's Included?
- Personalized medicating plan and demonstrations via Facetime/Zoom based on client's platform preference
- Two months of follow-up help to troubleshoot challenges via phone or email
- Follow up literature and videos will be emailed after the consult to further assist and guide to success